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Ivan Lee

发布:2024-08-27   来源:    阅读:

Ivan Lee (Associate Professor)

Email: Ivan.Lee@unisa.edu.au

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UniSA STEM - Mawson Lakes Campus (D3-17)

About me:

Ivan Lee received BEng, MCom, MER, and PhD degrees from the University of Sydney, Australia. He has been with the University of South Australia since 2008. Prior to his current position, he was an Assistant Professor Ryerson University, a software engineer at Remotek Corporation, and a software development engineer at Cisco Systems. His research interests include intelligent sensor, multimedia system, and data analytics. Ivan currently serves as the Technology Development Leader of UniSA Research Concentration of Sustainable Infrastructure and Resource Management (SIRM). He is a member of Science Advisory Committee (SAC) of the National Computational Merit Allocation Scheme (NCMAS), and a member of X-ray Imaging Methods Working Group, Future Lightsource (4th Generation Synchrotron) of The Australian Synchrotron. Ivan was named to the list of Research Field Leaders by The Australian Research Magazine 2024. He was a REDI Fellow in 2022/2023. He has served as a Chief Investigator of 30 funded projects (16 as the sole/lead investigator), include 4 national competitive grants (3 as the sole/lead investigator) from Australia and from Canada. His research findings are disseminated in 150+ publications, including IEEE TIP/TMM/TCSVT/TII/TNNLS/TVT, and Advanced Functional Materials. He organised several international conferences, as the General Co-Chair of 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP), the General Chair of 2013 Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW), the Program Co-Chair of the 2008 ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), etc. He was a recipient of The Vannevar Bush Best Paper Honorable Mention of 2020 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), the Lockheed Martin Best Paper Award of 2015 SPIE Defense + Security, Automatic Target Recognition XXV, and the Best Paper Award of 2007 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia. He serves/served as an associate editor/guest editor of several academic journals, including IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials, and IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.


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