| Hooman Nikmehr (Dr/Program Director) Email: Hooman.Nikmehr@unisa.edu.au Home Page UniSA STEM - Mawson Lakes Campus (P2-48) |
About me:
Hooman Nikmehr received his BSc degree in Electronic Engineering and MSc degree in Computer Architecture from the University of Tehran, in 1992 and 1997, respectively, and the PhD degree in Computer Architectures from the University of Adelaide, in 2005. He was an Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Architecture, University of Isfahan, till 2018 when he moved to Australia to join a research team in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Adelaide. He is now a full-time lecturer at UniSA, Adelaide. His current research interests include Digital VLSI, Digital Arithmetic, (Reconfigurable) Computer Architecture, and Low-Power Design.