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来源: 日期:2021-07-02 浏览次数:



Working Guidance for Staffs Teaching Joint and Import Courses at An De College


一、 教学准备(在课程开设学期之前完成)

Preparation for teaching Please complete before the semester of the course)

1. 确定课程教材及参考资料

Determine the textbook and references to be used


Determine the textbook, including such information as the book title, author, edition, press, etc., through discussion with the corresponding teaching staff at UniSA by email after his/her email address is provided for you. If the price of the textbook exceeds the student's purchasing ability, please try to find out a textbook appropriate for the students.


If there is no textbook recommended, please determine a proper list of references to be used during teaching, including bibliographic information or website.

2. 确定授课与考核方式等

Determine the modes of teaching and assessment


Form the habit of checking your email regularly and determine the teaching contents, the teaching mode, requirements for each stage, composition and methods of assessment, etc. through email communications. And please include the information into the course syllabus. At the same time, find out the requirement of the site and conditions for theoretical teaching and experimental/practical part, the experimental materials list, relevant software equipment to be used in the teaching process. Please contact the teaching affairs office of An De College as soon as possible.

3. 整理专业词汇的中英文对照表,布置预习作业(以便帮助学生在假期中提前预习)

Collate the bilingual list of professional vocabularies,assign preview homework (To be accomplished by students during the holiday in prior to the course semester.)


Collate the bilingual list of professional vocabularies and announce the information to students during the course preparation stage, including the textbook, references and experiment/practice to be carried out. Assign some homework properly for students to preview the course during the holiday in prior to the course semester so that they can follow your teaching easily.

4. 撰写课程大纲,编写教学日历

Write the Course Syllabus and Calendar


In terms of the information obtained through communications with the co-teacher at UniSA and based on the teaching materials, write course syllabus, calendar, experimental or practice arrangement and guidance, etc., bilingually (for joint course and import course).  Please submit these documents to teaching affairs office at your college and copy to teaching affairs office of An De College(Including the electronic version).

5. 学习并熟练掌握云平台的操作方法

Learn and master the operational method of the platform on cloud campus.

根据云平台上公布的操作指南,练习并掌握平台各项操作方法,方便后期师生交流和资源共享。根据老师们的要求,安德学院会适时邀请 AEMG对共建课程和引进课程进行的云校园使用方法培训。

Follow the instructions of “Cloud campus Guidelines_teachers” posted on cloud campus webpage, practice to master the structure of the course so that you can operate the course to keep communications with students registered and to share resources related to teaching. According to the demand from teaching staffs of import and joint course,An De College may invite AEMG (Australian Educational Management Group) to conduct training on how to use cloud campus at appropriate time.

二、 授课与辅导答疑(贯穿整个授课过程)

Teaching and tutorial (throughout the teaching period)

1.单独授课部分 The individual teaching part of XAUAT staff


For joint courses, please accomplish all the teaching contents individually according to your effective communications with the co-teacher at UniSA. For import courses, please individually accomplish the part of contents which are determined through your discussion with the co-teacher, ensuring the teaching effect and laid fundamental for the other part to be delivered jointly during a specified two-week period.

2.共同授课部分 Co-teaching part


For import courses, please collaborate closely with the co-teacher from UniSA to finish the co-teaching part, paying attention to responses in class and feedbacks after class from students, to improve teaching effect through proper teaching methods.

3.辅导答疑 Tutoring


Please arrange tutorial class after each lecture to students, answering their questions in time, and helping them with the difficulties they may meet.

4.调停课 Change time or classroom contingently


For the import courses, changes are not permitted after the time of co-teaching parts are arranged according to the determination through discussion in advance. For joint courses and import courses, during you individually teaching part, you may apply for change according to stipulations of XAUAT if necessary.

三、 考核与成绩(开课学期完成)

Examination and performance (to be finished before the end of the semester of the course)

1. 考试资格审查及平时成绩的公布 Announcement of Usual results)


Please announce the scores of other parts of the course to the students one week before the final exam.

2.命题审批和试卷印刷Proposition approval and examination paper printing)



Please communicate with the co-teacher at UniSA at least two weeks earlier before the final exam to determine the exam or assessment contents (including the make-up examination) in terms of what have been illustrated in the syllabus. The test paper of joint course and import course should be expressed fully in English. Whether students should answer fully in English can be determined by teaching staffs according to actual situations of students. The proposition of joint course should be complete by teaching staff at XAUAT and ask the co-teacher at UniSA to review. The approval process can only be carried out after the proposition is approved by the co-teacher at UniSA. The proposition of import course shall be sent to the teacher of the course at XAUAT for review after the completion of the course by the co-teacher at UniSA. Follow the stipulation of An De College and XAUAT to accomplish the procedure of approval and printing of the test paper.

课程考核时间请根据结课时间及早确定。课程考核应在课程结束后两周内完成,当学期开设所有课程的考核应在学期末全部完成。      Please determine the time for the exam early as possible. And the exam should be conducted within two weeks after the end of the course. All the exams should be finished before the end of the semester.

3.成绩录入 Results Input)


The exam paper should be determined by co-teacher through discussion. Please mark the exam paper fairly and reasonably and finish the score registration by teaching staffs at XAUAT. Please let the co-teacher at UniSA to know the results before you register the results.

4. 关于补考和重修 (About the make-up exams)



第八条 对于参加不及格课程重修学习的学生,其课程总评成绩应按正常考试标准评定;对于免听重修的学生,其课程总评成绩一般应按照卷面实际成绩评定,实行二级分制,只计入学分,不计入绩点。重修成绩的评定不得降低评分标准。

If there is a student failed, he/she should attend the make-up examination. Please finish the entry of the score before the third week of the next semester. If there are students still failed after the make-up examination, please remind the student retaking the course with the next grade.

四、 教学资料的保存(在下一学期第五周前完成)

Preservation of teaching materials (To be finished before the fifth week of the next semester)

1. 过程沟通(Communication process)


Keep all the emails, communication materials related to phone call or contact through video. And please copy the email to andecollege-t@xauat.edu.cn. After the course finished, please submit all the records related to teaching to An De College, so that the authorities can check if necessary.

如果您在沟通教学和考试相关事宜过程中不能得到南澳大学任课教师的及时回应,那么你可以把邮件同时抄送给南澳大学方面的教学负责人段晋明老师,邮箱为jinming_duan@unisa.edu.cn 和安德学院教学负责人赵蕾老师,邮箱为1021248669@qq.com,他们将给予协助。

If you can’t receive timely response regarding to teaching or exam communications from the co-teacher at UniSA, please copy your email to the academic head at UniSA, Professor Duan Jinming, jinming_duan@unisa.edu.cn, and to the associate dean of An De College, 1021248669@qq.com. They definitely will help to prompt the communication.

2.授课资料(Teaching materials)


Please collect and store teaching materials and reference materials, PPT for teaching or electronic version materials, recording and broadcasting contents, teaching or counseling questions answering photos, etc.

3.考核资料的装订 Binding of exam materials related


Please bind the exam papers and related assessment materials according to the requirements of An De College.

4.课程总结与建议 Experiences and Suggestions


Please communicate with co-teacher, summarize the teaching process or exam and assessment, point out where to be improved, and put forward better suggestions. Your suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

